
Terms and Conditions:
The event will take place between 5.00pm and 9.00pm each evening from Saturday 17th December 2022 to Tuesday 20th December 2022 inclusive.
For traffic management purposes, all guests must book their attendance through the available website slots.
Guests must arrive during the half-hour slot they have booked. Depending on traffic flows during each slot, there may be a slight delay as guests drive their way through the event.
The event will involve a significant amount of flashing lights and also some seasonal music. This may not be suitable for everyone.
We will try to accommodate all visitors, but we reserve the right to refuse entry where no booking has been made in advance.
The entrance fee of €50.00 per car must be made at the event booking stage .
The €50 entrance cost will cover up to two adults and two children per vehicle.
We can only accommodate passenger vehicles, with a maximum of 5 patrons.
Guests can arrive and check in from the comfort of their car before embarking on the visit.
Guests must remain in their cars for the duration of their visit. Because this is a drive-through event, it will not be possible for visitors to get out of their cars. However there will be toilet facilities available if a guest has a particular emergency.
Guests will have the option to purchase hot beverages (teas, coffees, hot chocolate) on the night.
Data provided by guests at the booking stage will be purged or deleted as soon as the event has been completed.
Santa Claus will be providing a small gift to each child under the age of 12 attending the event. Because it is difficult to anticipate in advance the numbers who will attend, Santa will be donating any gifts that are left over to a local charity.
The event operators reserve the right to cancel the event if a significant unforeseen circumstance arises (e.g. health restriction, insurance factor, etc.). If for any reason the event is not going ahead, all booking payments will be refunded in full in advance of the original event date.